08 सितंबर 2015

भारत को दुनिया मे पहला "मिसाईल प्रुफ" देश बनाने की तैयारी में मोदी सरकार !! missile proof india

 भारत को दुनिया मे पहला "मिसाईल प्रुफ" देश बनाने की तैयारी में मोदी सरकार !!
अमेरिका ने सालो से ये टेक्नोलोजी डेवलप करने की बहोत कोशिश की है, लेकिन अभी तक सफल नही हो पाये है .....
भारत के वैज्ञानिको ने 1 साल मे यह टेक्नोलोजी बनाकर रख दिया ... !!
India to have the "World's Deadliest Technology"
The time is not too far when Pakistan will itself stop threatening India with nuclear toys and China won't measure its strength by missile technology as India is all set to become a missile-proof country where no uninvited missiles could dare to touch Indian soil.
In Scientific term, KALI stands for 'Kilo Ampere Linear Injector'. It is designed to work in such a way that if an enemy missile is launched in Indian direction, it will quickly emit powerful pulses of Relativistic Electrons Beams (REB) and destroy the target in no time. Unlike laser beams, it does not bore a hole in the target but thoroughly damages the on-board electronic systems.
Scientists say that it can potentially be used as a beam weapon. Bursts of microwaves packed with gigawatts of power (one gigawatt is 1000 million watts) produced by this machine, when aimed at enemy missiles and aircrafts will cripple their electronic system and computer chips and bring them down right away. According to scientists the KALI is far deadlier than so-called laser weapons that destroy by drilling holes since this process consumes time. Its efficiency has pushed our scientists to look forward to inventing a high-power microwave gun to destroy incoming aircrafts and missiles, based on the same method.
-----------Hindustan .. Going to b World Leader ------------

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