12 फ़रवरी 2014

Modi4PM- BJP President Shri Rajnath Singh launched the Modi for PM Fund

BJP President Shri Rajnath Singh launched the Modi for PM Fund today at the BJP Central Office in New Delhi.  This is a massive outreach program to contact supporters from 10 crore homes across Indian and solicit support and contributions to help the campaign for Shri Narendra Modi.
Shri Rajnath Singh stated that the Bhartitya Janata Party traditionally reaches out to its supporters both during elections and around the year to collect small contributions from members and sympathizers. The BJP has always believed in political funding through a participative process involving its cadres across India.
The party will seek donations through an integrated approach through technological innovations online and traditional offline collections. Those seeking to make online donations can log onto the newly updated website of the party being launched today and donate at http://donate.bjp.org. Both net banking and credit / debit card donations are accepted and immediate receipts of transaction will be mailed to the respective donors.
The volunteers of the party will also collect mobile enabled donations where people can donate through mobile payment gateway and SMS.  All donors will be given immediate receipt of payments.
Shri Piyush Goyal, MP and National Treasurer explained that the BJP was the first political party in India to accept political donations online starting from July 2010.
Dr. Arvind Gupta, Convenor of the IT cell of the party said that the party has also innovated by launching handheld mobile donation devices for those seeking to make donations using credit cards.

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